National Orthodontic Health Month
October was National Orthodontic Health Month, but everyday is Orthodontic Health Month at Coleman Orthodontics. A chance to educate and inform on the importance of visiting an orthodontist, what we do and why a smile can impact your life. So what is the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist? Orthodontists are specialists in moving teeth and aligning jaws. A question people often ask is, “can my dentist give me braces?” The answer is NO! While all orthodontist are dentist, only a small percentage of dentists are orthodontists. Both provide professional care that helps patients have good oral health, and both are dental school graduates. A dentists treats decayed teeth and remove failed teeth, they usually provide services to improve the appearance and the function of teeth that have extensive decay, or are misshapen or broken. Ultimately, dentists look for abnormalities in the mouth and teach patients how to prevent dental disease. Orthodontists are uniquel...