Breathing Problems and Orthodontics
Does Your Child Have a Breathing Problem? Does your child breath loud and mostly through their mouth? Do they snore when they sleep? Do they have frequent sore throats, ear and nose infections or allergies and asthma? If so, your child may have a problem with the size of their airway. These are all common symptoms of children who have difficulty breathing because of airway problems. One of our main focuses when we examine children at Coleman Orthodontics , is their airway and breathing patterns. An airway can be partially blocked due to a deviated septum, large adenoids or tonsils or because of allergies. A small airway results in kids breathing more out of their mouths than their nose. This increased “mouth breathing” can cause the jaws to develop narrow and small which can then lead to severe crowding problems with the erupting teeth. Another problem often associated with breathing and airway challenges is sleep. Many kids who struggle to breath properly aren’t able to achieve...